America’s Cultural Heritage Seeds

America’s Cultural Heritage Seeds

North American Traditional Indigenous Food Systems’ connection to Seed Savers Exchange — and why it matters    Whether you’re an avid gardener or a black thumb, you’re likely to have heard of the Three Sisters planting method: a trio of corn, pole beans and...
An Introduction to Responsible Foraging

An Introduction to Responsible Foraging

This blog was written in partnership with Foraged Market by one of their team members. You’ve seen it on TikTok, on Instagram, and even talked about it with your family. Foraging has become an increasingly popular hobby and lifestyle – and maybe you’ve wondered...
Seed Stratification – Maskiikii Gitigan

Seed Stratification – Maskiikii Gitigan

The winters are cold in Minnesota. In order for native seeds to survive the winter, they go dormant, and when the days start to warm in the spring and the ground thaws, they come out of their dormancy and germinate. The process of replicating this winter dormancy in...
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