Kate Hoff
Strategy and Resource Development
what is your professional background?
Cuál es su experiencia profesional?
Kate has three decades of fundraising and nonprofit organization management experience. Most recently serving as the Vice President for Development of the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, Kate's professional and volunteer board service has exposed her to local food and farming, climate change, animal welfare, rural issues, environmental issues, agriculture, trade, health (especially as linked to food and climate), democracy and governance, international issues, fair trade, justice, human rights, advocacy, and the arts (visual and performing). Kate has also worked on board development and strategic planning.
What does your typical workday at NATIFS involve?
Qué implica tu jornada laboral típica en NATIFS?
A typical workday involves assessing incoming partnership, collaboration, media and support requests; ensuring our work and progress is publicized through all of the various social media and web channels; communicating with partners and donors; and strategizing how our work can be most effective and have the greatest impact.
When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Cuando eras niño, ¿qué querías ser de mayor?
A veterinarian!! I spent summers riding along with a large animal vet.