Emily Halberg
Events Coordinator
what is your professional background?
Cuál es su experiencia profesional?
Prior to being the events coordinator at NATIFS, I was the co-founder's assistant where I learned the ins and outs of NATIFS and the Indigenous Food Lab. Before that I worked for many years in hospitality and enjoyed being around and learning about different foods. I studied International Studies at the University of Oregon where I became really interested in learning about nonprofit management, public policy and food sovereignty.
What does your typical workday at NATIFS involve?
Qué implica tu jornada laboral típica en NATIFS?
A typical day in my life is glamorous & really fulfilling regardless of a little chaos here and there. I get to interact with colleagues from across each department and community partners that want to collaborate on events. These conversations and connections are the highlight of my day and in my downtime, although I also happily manage incoming event requests until they come to fruition. Tapping into the expertise of people across the community is simply the cherry on top.
When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Cuando eras niño, ¿qué querías ser de mayor?
I've always wanted to be an actress & that's the only way I'll leave NATIFS.